Video Ad Platform Teads Growing Quickly with Top Publishing Partners

CANNES – Teads, the video platform that powers video advertising into the text articles of many of the world’s top publishers including Forbes, the Guardian, the Washington Post and Le Monde, has grown quickly from its origins in Paris to be a global company which is now booking most of its revenue in the U.S. […]

Ad Buyers Need Standardized Viewability Metric: Teads’ Daily

CANNES — When the Media Ratings Council specced out what truly constitutes a “viewable” ad impression, in a world increasingly falling victim to fraudulent ads, ad buyers rejoiced. And then the whole system began fragmenting. Now, it seems, some customers are getting confused about which viewability trackers are right. “As viewability becomes more and more a transitionary […]

Video Ads Should Match User Experience, Teads’ Chappaz

CANNES –To be effective, video ads should better align with the user experience. Those type of ads will benefit both brands and consumers more, says Pierre Chappaz, Executive Chairman at Teads, in this video interview with Beet.TV from the Cannes Lions Festival. Better ads are important because currently upwards of 70% of pre-roll ads are never seen […]

Teads Finds Success with Bet on Video Viewability

CANNES – When Paris-based Teads launched back in 2011, there was very little conversation about the viewability problems around video advertising, but that has changed and the bet by co-founder Bertrand Quesada looks like it is paying off. The company has recently raised a $30 million round and has over 400 employees in 26 cities in 18 countries. […]

Reinventing Video Advertising, a Beet.TV Leadership Summit at Cannes Lions ’15, presented by Teads

The future of video advertising will be explored in a 60-minute session featuring leading publishers and media agency executives. The conversation will address the opportunities for brands to monetize video beyond the conventional in-stream ad.  Topics to include mobile video,  interactive ads, social streams, native video, video as display, and advertising on connected devices.  The impact of […]

Teads Touts ‘Outstream’ Video Units for Mobile: Le Monde and Forbes Have Integration

Teads, the adtech company that provides publishers with “outstream,” a solution to insert video advertising into editorial pages, launched a mobile SDK in March and it has been adopted by Le Monde and Forbes, says Bertrand Quesada, CEO, in this interview with Beet.TV Quesada sees robust interest in outstream for mobile as consumption moves to […]

Teads Outperforms Competitors In Video Ads, Nielsen Commissioned Study

French video ad tech company Teads has lately been shouting about the performance of its ad format InRead, which inserts auto-playing video ads between text paragraphs on major publisher sites. Now it is using a study commissioned from Nielsen to claim it outperforms its competitive video ad format technology. According to Nielsen’s comparison, more viewers of […]

Teads Aims For Wider Footprint After New Funding

FORT LAUDERDALE — “Out-of-stream” video ad tech supplier Teads is targeting global expansion in 2015, after it raised another $30m in funding in January. Speaking with Beet.TV, North America GM Jim Daily expects “more expansion” this year: “We’ve opened up in the US. We’re going to be expanding further in to Canada and some other key markets. We’ve […]

Think Beyond CTR For Video Measurement: Teads’ Daily

FORT LAUDERDALE — Video ad tech vendor Teads is getting ad buyers buzzing with its new take on video ad formats – letting specialist text publishers insert auto-playing video ads between their paragraphs. But how successful can this model be when readers can simply scroll past the video ads to silence and hide them? “Our […]

Video AdTech firm Teads Raises $30 Million in New Financing, Eyes IPO

Teads, the Paris-headquartered video adtech company,  which allows advertisers to place video ads in various locations on Web pages and on mobile devices, outside of the conventional pre-roll scenario, has raised $30 million in new funding, the company announced this week. The company is planning to file for an IPO this year, said co-founder and […]


The Problem With Video Pre-Rolls: Teads’ Jim Daily

CHICAGO — It’s only natural that online video advertising takes after television advertising – after all, both media are about moving pictures. But, whilst the forms may be similar, advertiser results can vary across each, according to a tech exec. “It’s a similar experience to what we see on TV,” North America MD Jim Daily […]

There’s a Massive Revenue Upside for Publishers from Video, Beyond the Pre-Roll, Teads’ Jim Daily explains

CHICAGO –  For many publishers, creating scale around video production, coupled with  getting those videos watched, is not easy. For advertisers, there is highly limited inventory, with about 4 percent of video pre-roll suitable for top tier brands, says Jim Daily Managing Director of North America for video ad tech platform Teads. Daily says the […]


Life Beyond the Pre-Roll: New Opportunities in Online Video Advertising, Beet Summit, Chicago Summit on 12/3 , presented by Teads

Since the advent of Web video, in-stream advertising  has dominated the medium.  Now, forced by consumer demand, device proliferation and a changing marketplace where buyers and sellers demand more quality views around premium content, the industry is moving beyond the pre-roll. Advertisers and publishers are embracing other  ad units  that include “native” ad units, “in-page” […]

Teads Sets Sights On IPO After Rebranding

Following this spring’s merger of video ad tech firms Ebuzzing and Teads, the pair last week rebranded as just “Teads.” That company is now setting its sights on going public next year. In this video interview with Beet.TV, CEO Bertrand Quesada explains why: “We want to be independent.” “We want to raise capital to be able […]

Teads Goes Outside Pre-Roll Play To Solve Video Inventory Shortage

Ad agencies are desperate to spend money on online video – they just don’t see enough premium publisher inventory against which to advertise. So video ad tech vendor Teads is helping publishers turn their existing assets in to video ad opportunities, with its ad formats like inRead that inserts auto-playing video ads in content publishers do […]

Slate Begins Selling Teads’ “inRead” Video Ads

Slate magazine wants to sell more video ads – it just needs to use text to get there. “What’s next is video, video, video – we need to get more video on the site,” says Slate associate publisher Anthony DeMaio. “We’re doing four million streams a month – it’s still a very small percentage of […]

Ebuzzing & Teads Jim Daily: Publishers’ Video Opportunity Is ‘Limitless” without the Pre-Roll

After agreeing to merge this spring, video ad tech firms Ebuzzing and Teads see a big future for publishers out there. “Publishers can put preroll ads in front of the videos content they create,” says the companies’ North America GM Jim Daily. “But a finite number of impressions are available – they sometimes struggle to […]

Beet Video Advertising Summit: “Life Beyond the Pre-Roll,” August 6 at Mindshare, NYC, Presented by Ebuzzing & Teads

Since the very dawn of Web video, in-stream advertising  has dominated the medium. Now, forced by consumer demand, device proliferation and a changing marketplace where buyers and sellers demand more quality views around premium content, the industry is moving beyond the pre-roll. Advertisers and publishers are embracing other platforms and revenue streams.  These include “native” […]

In Video Mash-Up, Ebuzzing & Teads Merge Ahead Of IPO

In a sign of the growing importance of online video advertising technology, two of the sector’s vendors are merging – and say they plan to go public next year. Ebuzzing, which was co-founded by French web entrepreneur Pierre Chapaz, and Teads, a French ad tech firm bringing new formats to market, say they are combining to […]

Teads Launching Video Ad Supply Platform For Publishers

French video ad tech outfit Teads has recently been garnering attention for its technology which places video adverts outside of video windows. Now it will give publishers enhanced management opportunities. “Now we are releasing, in Europe, a full SSP option for publishers, helping them to monetize all their programmatic revenues.,” business development head Pierre de […]