Matthew Weiner, the television writer best known for creating the hit series Mad Men, shares his view on an extraordinary time in TV history: now.

He speaks about unprecedented creative opportunities in the TV business, the enormity of TV production along the bloated executive ranks in Hollywood. He addresses the increasing importance of international markets and the growing impact of services Netflix and Amazon.

He shares his views on consumer perception of advertising which he sees as very positive.

This 47-minute on-stage interview was conducted by Scott Ferber, CEO of Videology. It was taped at the company’s Full Frontal industry leadership event held earlier this month in New York.

For Mad Men, Weiner said he had hoped to find a single sponsor like American Express to limit advertising to a more PBS-style sponsorship. While that didn’t work out, he sees sponsorships versus conventional ad loads as a viable model for the future.

This video was produced by Videology. We are pleased to publish it on Beet.TV, courtesy of Videology.