Spending on video advertising by political campaigns this year is projected to hit $9 billion as candidates and interest groups seek to get voters to the polls in next month’s midterm elections. Part of their media buying is shifting into programmatic channels to reach audiences that spending more time with connected TV (CTV).

“With CTV, you can target much closer to the way you do with digital,” Dan Fairclough, head of specialized demand at sell-side platform Magnite, said in this interview with Beet.TV. “When buying connected television programmatically, you have control at your fingertips.”

Campaigns can scale upward, launch a flight of commercials quickly, change their targeting and shift their spending as needed.

“CTV is such a impactful environment,” Fairclough said. “It’s when people are purposefully viewing. They’re leaned back, but they’re leaned in. The ads tend to resonate better.”

Creative Approvals

Because some publishers require creative approval of political advertising, Magnite did advance work to ensure that commercials were compliant with the rules.

“Our team has tried to…simplify that process where we are kind of the gatekeepers of approvals,” Fairclough said. “These buyers have a deal that they can launch immediately with…Time is of the essence. So, we tried to make it so that they didn’t waste any when it comes to finding the supply they need when they need it.”