It used to be considered a technical tool for selling-off cheap inventory – now programmatic is helping facilitate major ad placements and drive creative innovation.

Andrew King, VP of Product at TripleLift, highlights this shift, emphasizing the pivotal role of programmatic in the CTV space.

In this video interview with Beet.TV editorial director Lisa Granatstein, he describes recent campaigns that are pushing the craft forward.

Programmatic Progress

The media landscape has seen a dramatic change in just two years, with King noting, “70% of the viewership time was spent on just five streaming services.”

“Fast-forward to today, the top 10 streaming services make up nearly 70% of all viewing hours,” he says, believing that “programmatic is going to play a really critical role in helping marketers navigate and find the audiences in a really efficient and effective way.”

“Programmatic is a really effective way to drive business outcomes,” King asserts. He believes that the real-time optimization capabilities and data-informed strategies afforded by programmatic advertising are crucial for navigating the CTV ecosystem.

Creative Technology: Redefining Engagement

King is fervent about the opportunities that creative technology presents in today’s market. “There’s no better time to be working in creative advertising than right now,” he enthuses.

With less ad load in streaming than in traditional linear broadcast, King sees a wealth of new opportunities for brands to engage with viewers, from optimizing ad pod construction to integrating brand messages within content.

“Creative technology is playing a really interesting role,” King states, citing advancements like OpenRTB 2.6 for intelligent targeting and new formats that allow for unique brand experiences.

Heavy Lift with Ad-Tech

TripleLift is an ad tech company specializing in programmatic advertising and technology that optimizes the connection between publishers and advertisers.

They offer a platform for native programmatic ads, which are designed to blend in with a site’s content, improving user experience and engagement.

Additionally, TripleLift provides advertising solutions across multiple formats, including display, video, and connected TV, utilizing their proprietary computer vision technology to ensure that ads are contextually relevant and visually appealing.

A Case Study in Innovation: Reese’s Campaign

TripleLift recently partnered with Reese’s confectionery brand to “break outside the ad pod altogether” during an Easter campaign, powered by programmatic.

“We could squeeze back the original show and give 75% of the real estate to a brand message delivered by Reese’s,” King explains, highlighting the capability to transact such creative executions programmatically.

The campaign’s success was evident, with King reporting a “43% increase in purchase intent” and an “88% of the viewers had a more positive reflection of Reese’s as a brand.”