CANNES – The popularity of ChatGPT, a chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence that’s adept at creating a variety of text-based content, has helped to ignite interest in the technology among media and marketing executives. That group includes attendees of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

The term “AI” is among the five key themes of discussion that start with the letter “A,” Jeremy Arditi, global co-chief executive of digital advertising platform Teads, said in this interview with Jonathan Steuer, cofounder and chief executive of Anonymous Media Research, at the Beet Villa in Cannes.

Jeremy Ariditi: Five A’s of Cannes

Artificial Intelligence: AI “is coming up in pretty much every conversation. And the potential impact that it can have on our broader industry affecting everything from creative to how content is being consumed. This theme, even though it’s probably at the height of the hype cycle, feels like one that is immensely powerful in ways that that one was not. And I think this will be a theme that we continue to talk about in years to come.”

Attention: Measuring consumer attention to advertising “has been a theme that we’ve been talking about in Cannes for a few years and feels like it’s gotten to a level of critical mass in terms of its adoption and its appetite from the buy side….we have been partnering with some of the leading providers of attention measurement that look both at eye tracking technology and then predictive models based on previous data sets in order to effectively measure attention and do that at scale.”

Addressability: Addressable advertising that’s more personalized for different audience segments is a key theme, especially as tracking cookies disappear. “There is a renewed sense of urgency from both the buy-side and the sell-side in continuing to explore and get comfortable with alternative ways of making media addressable in the face of lost signals.”

Advanced Television: As more households connect their televisions to the internet and stream ad-supported video, advanced television is becoming mainstream. “Advertisers in the US have been very focused on this topic for some time. We’re seeing it become a more important topic globally.”

Accountability: Recent economic uncertainty has underscored the need for advertising to demonstrate its usefulness and cost-effectiveness. “There is obviously more pressure on everyone in the ecosystem to do more with less and to demonstrate the effectiveness of where media dollars are getting spent and driving towards performance results.”

You are watching “The Transformation Of Television: Connected, Addressable & Outcome-Based,” presented by Go Addressable & Teads at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. For more videos from Beet.TV’s Cannes Lions 2023 coverage, please visit this page.