Launched in June, Bits, the technology news blog from The New York Times has moved to the 14th spot in the Techmeme Leaderboard, an index of the most influential blogs indexed by Techmeme.  It’s something of an elite club for tech bloggers.  Here’s how Techmeme’s Gabe Rivera explains the methodology of the page:

Sources are ranked by Presence,
the percentage of headline space a source occupies
over the 30-day period.
"Discussion" links are not taken in to consideration here — only full headlines are counted.

It’s a pretty good jump in ranking for Bits which came in at number 29 just one month ago.

Bits is written by twelve New York Times reporters who contribute 25-30 posts a week. Editing all this is veteran tech reporter Saul Hansell.  I caught up with Saul at The Times earlier this week.  Saul explains the operations of Bits.  He seems to relish his blogging role — and the new opportunity to render news analysis.

Beet.TV Hits Hits the Techmeme Leaderboard!

Speaking of the Leaderboard, we are thrilled over here to have just made the list for the first time — we’re at number 100, scroll down!  Hope we can hang in the club for a little bit.

— Andy Plesser

You can grab the embed code of this video interview right here.