MIAMI – Social media apps such as Instagram and video-sharing apps such as YouTube have spawned an industry of online personalities who offer user-generated content ranging from makeup tutorials to viral dance moves to reviews of the latest products. Omnicom Media Group is helping advertisers to manage their relationships with influencers and getting the most out of these campaigns.

“The fact that OMG is working with influencers is really representative of where they’ve come,” Kevin Blazaitis, president of Creo at Omnicom Media Group, said in this interview at the Possible event.

“Influencers historically were PR vehicles. They were creative vehicles,” he said. “And now rightfully, they’re being viewed as the media channels and entertainment vehicles that they are.”

A key part of developing an influencer campaign is vetting the creators, ensuring their content and following are aligned with the brand’s goals.

“What’s really changed and evolved is understanding and applying that media-based rigor for who their audience is and who they resonate with,” Blazaitis said. “ That’s really in the last couple years what we’re seeing a lot more questions for. And the goal of us trying to solve it.”

You’re watching ‘Anything Is Possible: The Rising Tide of Programmatic Streaming,’ a Beet.TV Leadership Series at POSSIBLE 2024, presented by Index Exchange. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.