SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Smartphones give off a continual flood of information about their users, many of whom spend the entire day within a hand’s reach of mobile handset. Data about app usage and website visits can be compiled by cellular companies such as T-Mobile. The information is a potentially rich source of consumer insights for advertisers.

“You can particularly see a lot of things around app ownership and app insights, how long you spend in the app,” Mike Peralta, general manager of T-Mobile Advertising Solutions, said in this on-stage discussion with Jon Watts, editorial director of Beet.TV Events, at the Beet Retreat.

Mobile data can help to provide insights on where consumers are in the purchase funnel, from initial awareness of a brand all they way down to a final purchase. Because the data also can reveal personally identifiable information (PII) about consumers, T-Mobile works to ensure that it doesn’t antagonize customers and that it complies with privacy laws.

“When you look at user behavior, because of your mobile device, you can be in buy mode or purchase mode, consideration mode and awareness mode, all at the same time, depending on the product,” Peralta said. “We’ve worked pretty closely with our privacy and legal folks, and are using, in a very safe and ethical way, our first-party network data.”

With technology companies such as Google and Apple taking steps to protect mobile privacy, advertisers are looking for other kinds of privacy-compliant audience identifiers. –

“This is going to force us to really understand … privacy-safe use of the data, ethical use of the data goes hand-in-hand with consumer experience and goes hand-in-hand with modernization,” Peralta said. “If you’re buying stuff through your mobile device, there’s a purchase signal there, there’s an awareness signal there, there’s a signal all across the funnel.”

You are watching coverage of Beet Retreat Santa Monica 2022, presented by Ampersand, MiQ, Nielsen, PubMatic, T-Mobile Advertising Solutions and The Trade Desk. For more videos from the Beet Retreat, please visit this page