The media marketplace is becoming more advanced as brands harness richer sources of consumer data to improve their targeting and television advertising becomes more addressable. The next big step will be the expansion of national inventories of addressable advertising among cable and broadcast networks.

“Addressable TV and how we look at it today is definitely an evolving landscape. We certainly have the household-level addressability. It is very rich with first- and third-party data, and our ability to target in individual households,” Jen Soch, executive director of specialty channels at WPP-owned media agency GroupM, said in this interview with Beet.TV.

Her clients are seeing success with data-driven linear, while keeping on eye on pilot programs for addressable advertising on national networks.

“It feels like we’re at a turning point where we now can take the data that we’re having being brought in, and flip that over in data-driven linear,” she said, “but really be more thoughtful and creative in our placements in the video landscape in totality.”

Audience Data From Smart TVs

The growing number of households with a smart TV gives advertisers a way to customize their campaigns for different consumers during the same programming. Original equipment makers (OEMs) equip their devices to gather data about viewing habits while protecting consumer privacy.

Source: eMarketer/Insider Intelligence

“What we’re able to do now is really use that data and combine it with buys that we’re doing in the programmatic space. We’re able to look at a holistic campaign, which is making a huge difference for us,” Soch said. “It’s not advanced TV living on its own anymore. It’s advanced TV living in a larger ecosystem, and the OEMs and where they’re placed is almost a center dot of that area of the market.”

The expanded audience for advanced television gives marketers more tools to test campaigns and improve their targeting.

“What we’re starting to see is clients moving and morphing towards an area where we have other abilities to test and trial target audiences,” Soch said. “We’re coming in with audiences of the right size and the right level that the price tag on addressable is much more reasonable.”

Addressable advertising promises to provide more unduplicated reach amid shifts in viewing habits, including more time spent on connected devices or on gaming platforms.

“We know we’re placing a lot of buys a lot of buys out there, and we continue to do that, but we’re not always reaching folks,” Soch said. “If we can go to clients and say, ‘we can really add on to your reach,’ that’s how we’re going to do our business better.”

You are watching “Transformation: CTV and Data Are Changing the TV Advertising Marketplace,” a Beet.TV leadership series presented by LG Ads. For more videos, please visit this page.