Online Video Advertisers Take Note: Don’t Look to Clicks as a Measure of Effectiveness, Declares IAB Chief Greg Stuart

Click To Play We have been interested in the viability of online advertising using and surrounding video clips. This is the sustainable business model for online video. Yet, we don’t really know what these ads will look like and what will work. The whole area of user interface of online video advertising is taking many […]


SCOBLE WATCH: Countdown to His Vlog Launch……Facebook Says No To Video as YouTube Hits 61 College Campuses

Click To Play There’s been a lot of anticipation about the launch later this month of the new (yet unnamed) video blog about technology by uberblogger Robert Scoble.  Robert knows a thing or two about video blogs. During his stint at Microsoft he launched the groundbreaking Channel 9. Now at PodTech in Silicon Valley, Scoble […]


Online Video Advertising Must be “Contextual” Declares Forrester’s Charlene Li — And Deep Search Will Be an Imperative

Click To Play Online video advertising is about to explode. The next big wave will be the placing of short commercials – either before as so called “pre-roll” or after a video clip has been seen, as “post-roll.”  Advertising won’t be appropriate for all video clips, for sure, but this looming development represents a solid […]


Technorati Is Set to Index Video, Says Chair Peter Hirshberg — And Microformats Loom Large

Click To Play To me the most important implication of this whole online video revolution is that video clips can be effectively indexed and searched. This is one of the most exciting aspects of Beet.TV. Many visitors first find Beet.TV clips through search — from Technorati, Google, Yahoo! and other search and indexing sites.  Most […]


“Tag It!” Says Micro Persuasion’s Steve Rubel

Click To Play No one has a better handle on the new communications tools for public relations professionals than Steve Rubel, author of the highly influential blog Micro Persuasion. This is the second installment of the interview I did with Steve last month at the AlwaysOn Summit at Stanford. Here Steve talks about the new […]


Student-Made Video to Hit University Home Page

Click To Play I was up at beautiful Colgate University in upstate New York last week with my wife Kathy to “move in” our daughter Becky, a very excited freshman. Colgate is a great institution and we are really happy Becky is there.  The school happens to have a very cool head of public affairs […]


Online Video Allows PR Pros to Bypass Media, Says PRWeek Editor Keith O’Brien

Click To Play Keith O’Brien is News Editor of PRWeek. Keith’s a leading thinker about the changing world of public relations. In addition to his gig at PRWeek, he authors a very important blog on marketing. In this interview with Beet.TV, Keith talks about how technology is enhancing the role of public relations pros within […]


Guba Is Smart Player in Solving Online Video Copyright Crisis, Says Jason Pontin, Editor of MIT’s Technology Review

Technology Review’s Jason Pontin talks video piracy on CNN Headline News with anchor Renay San Miguel (who is seen in the opening image) The rapid rise of online video popularity means that the YouTubes and Google Videos will soon have to face the problem of video piracy, or how to control the illegal uploading of […]


VideoEgg Set to Launch New Advertising Platform for Consumer Generated Video, Ad Age Reports

Click To Play We had a great chat with Kevin Sladek a few weeks back in San Francisco.  Kevin started VideoEgg two years ago with two classmates from Yale, just one year after they graduated. Smart chaps, indeed. VideoEgg provides content producers the ability to upload and publish Flash video on the Web.  It also […]


TV Programming is So Totally Non-Linear, Says CNET’s Joe Gillespie

Click To Play To us, watching video on the computer or cable isn’t about waiting around to see a "show." It’s all about finding video that is searchable and available on demand. Joe Gillespsie, who ran the now defunct TechTV for six years before moving to CNET where he oversees the very cool new, […]


Online Video Advertising: Banners May Not Work, Says Forrester’s Charlene Li

Click To Play We spoke with Internet superstar Charlene Li of Forrester Research.  She’s been thinking a lot about the model of advertising surrounding online video; she predicts it will take many forms. Charlene says that YouTube’s business model will inevitably become advertiser based, and she sees contests and sponsorships as a very promising area […]


Public Relations Has Been Tranformed, Says “Naked Conversation” Co-Author Shel Israel

Click To Play Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have co-written “Naked Conversations,” a fascinating book about how blogging has transformed corporate reputations, spurred the emergence of brands, defined the new role of the mainstream media and has transformed the very practice of public relations. For marketing and corporate communications professionals, it is an essential read. […]


BIG ONLINE VIDEO SEARCH NEWS: AOL Launches “Single Source for All the Video on the Web”

Click To Play Earlier this morning, AOL launched its video portal, called AOL Video. There is an incredible amount of content organized on the site.  We at Beet.TV are very interested in search. Earlier in the week we spoke with Fred McIntyre, VP of AOL Video, about the search utility of the site. We think […]


Pitching Fake Journalists in New Virtual World is Real, Declares Top PR Blogger Steve Rubel

Click To Play It was wonderful to see Steve Rubel; he is the authority on all things public relations who has created the astonishingly influential and valuable Micropersuasion blog. (Get the RSS feed on this one.) I spoke with Steve at the AlwaysOn Conference at Stanford last week. He is always ahead of the curve […]


“Videoblogging Is the Damnest Thing!” Declares Technorati’s Peter Hirshberg

Click To Play Peter Hirshberg, one of the sharpest guys in the biz, told me he is flabbergasted by the rapid emergence of the video blogs. He reflected on the remarkable growth of vlogs from his first exposure to the budding form just 18 months ago. In framing the state of video blogs, he uses […]


Visionary Robert Scoble Readys New Internet TV Show to Launch in September – Interview Approach “Like Charlie Rose”

Adblock [Download video to your computer | Upload to iPod, PSP] We caught up with Robert at the AlwaysOn summit at Stanford last week. He has just moved to the Bay Area to join PodTech.  Robert spoke with us about the future of video blogs. He’s very keen on the notion of downloadable video clips.  […]


10,000 Companies Use Facebook, Co-Founder Tells Beet.TV

Click To Play Facebook is hugely popular among college and high school students. And a staggering number of companies use Facebook to establish social networks. We hadn’t really known how widespread business use was of the very cool platform. We had an expansive interview with co-founder Chris Hughes about Facebook’s early beginnings, its business model, […]


YouTube’s Chad Hurley is Not Worried about Microsoft

Click To Play We spoke with Chad Hurley, CEO and Co-founder of YouTube, at the AlwaysOn conference at Stanford. We had a good chat with him after his panel moderated by the Wall Street Journal’s Kara Swisher. When Kara asked him about Microsoft, he told the audience that Microsoft wants to make a “clone” of […]



Kate and I are headed to Silicon Valley on Tuesday morning. Straight from SFO, we’ll be visiting the headquarters of CNET and Yahoo!, then we head to the campus of Stanford University for the AlwaysOn Summit We’ll be vlogging like mad, so please check your RSS feed or hit refresh often to find interviews with […]


Newsweek’s Steven Levy on Future Vloggers: Amateurs May Drop to a Second Tier as the Medium Demands Greater Production Values

Click To Play Unlike blogs where anyone can sit around in their pajamas in a dimly lit room at home and crank out a fine and successful blog, vlogging involves a lot more elements – compelling content, production value and relevancy.  Steven Levy, Newsweek’s senior editor for tech coverage, tells Beet.TV that as online video […]

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