Adobe’s Towes: How Big Data Can Drive Video

“Big Data” is a topic that has been hot on the lips of many technologists through 2013. But what is it, and what does it mean for online video? Adobe principal business development manager Kevin Towes says analytics tools can be worked on data to better serve both ads and more content itself. “You could […]


German Start-up “wywy” Raises $7 Million to Globalize Second-Screen Ads

Wywy, a German startup that helps advertisers serve ads to mobile devices in sync with TV commercials, plans to launch in the US and elsewhere, having raised a $7 million second investment round. The outfit ingests ad videos from advertisers and uses decade-old automated content recognition in mobile apps to identify when a viewer is watching […]


Videology’s McKee: Analogue Data Is Changing Digital Ads

One of the biggest changes in the digital video industry is coming thanks to the arrival of ye olde traditional TV advertising practices, says one industry exec. “The biggest lever I’ve seen in pushing this forward is this concept of TV data coming online, which really didn’t exist a year and half ago,” says Mark […]


Xaxis’ Hanlon: TV Is The Future Of Online Video Ads

Television may be “old media” to some digital folks. But traditional data and practices from TV advertising are making rapid incursions to influencing the online video world. “in 2013, we saw the first step in that evolution,” says Evan Hanlon, audience and strategy manager of Group M’s Xaxis data unit. “One of the key pieces […]


Civolution’s TV Data Powers 60% Uplift In Social Ad Performance

Philips spin-out Civolution may be best known for the  video watermarking technology it inherited in its acquisition of Teletrax. But the Dutch outfit also brings other offerings to the table. Civolution technology also provides clients with real-time metadata describing on-air TV content. When this is used to target advertising in social networks, the results can […]


Kantar’s TV Data Helps Xaxis Target Online Ads

They may be considered different media, but internet and TV advertising are getting joined at the hip. Case in point is how knowledge of TV viewing habits is increasingly informing the online component of multi-channel ad campaigns. Kantar Media chief commercial officer Bud Breheney tells Beet.TV Kantar’s data about Americans’ TV tuning behavior is being […]


Google Media Platform Sales Head: We’re Ready For Video Advertising Boom

Google reckons the US video advertising market could hit $10 billion in the next couple of years – and says it has a full suite of services ready to help marketers capitalize on the opportunity. Media platforms sales head Jay VanDerzee tells Beet.TV Google has been playing in programmatic and real-time bidding for several years […]


Comigo Want To Socialize And Commercialize Internet TV

Dov Moran once founded a business sold to SanDisk for $1.6 billion. Now he is heading up Comigo, another Israeli company making mobile software for interacting with TV platforms. “I believe we are just at the beginning of totally new TV,” Moran tells Beet.TV. “It’s going to be very different – many sources, a lot […]


Brightcove’s Lai: Online Video Will Become Linear TV

Internet video today is a “pull” paradigm. But imagine an online video environment that merges effortlessly with the rolling model established by linear TV. That’s what Brightcove media and broadcast CTO Albert Lai imagines. Berating the “thick walls” between simulcast broadcast and pre-recorded on-demand, Lai tells Beet.TV: “The walls of those content types will disappear. […]


Rubicon’s Katsur: Three Years Until Premium Video Supply Meets Demand

Typically, publishers want to gain “premium” prices for their advertising spaces, selling unsold spots as “remnant” space. But Project Rubicon business operations SVP Anthony Katsur says they often don’t know which should be which. “Publishers need to better understand the inventory that should be allocated to premium and higher CPMs versus what should they monetize through secondary […]


Rightster Bags New Content Deals After IPO

LONDON — Video distribution outfit Rightster is targeting growth through acquisition and platform investment using some of the money it earned by becoming the first YouTube multi-channel network (MCN) to go public last month. The UK-based company raised £20.4 million ($36.7 million) by floating on London’s AIM market and has already started pumping that market […]


‘Huge Focus On Video’ In 2014 For Newly-Merged Xaxis, 24/7

LONDON — 2014 looks like being an even bigger year in video for Group M’s Xaxis data targeting unit. Group M parent WPP last week announced it would merge stablemate 24/7 Media’s collection of publisher-side technologies in to Xaxis to cater to an ad market seeing publishers and advertisers dealing with each other, cutting out […]


Xaxis’ Schlickum: Marketers Must Use Data To Tell Stories

LONDON — The rise of super-targeted “programmatic” online ad buying may be cast as the rise of “Maths Men” over “Mad Men” – but one ad exec says marketers should refocus on using the new wealth of numbers to tell traditional creative stories. “The language we’ve created for our industry is very difficult for most […]


Video’s Programmatic Flip Is In The Bidded Switch

LONDON — For all the talk about the collection of online ad buying processes come to be known as “programmatic”, two ad execs suggest the real definition of the method depends on pricing architecture, not technical approach. Videology global accounts SVP Jana Eisensten tells Beet.TV bidded, as opposed to fixed-price, sales embody a greater variant […]


Akamai Wants To Turn Consumer Gadgets In To Video Nodes

Akamai is commonly thought of as the content powerhouse in the sky, thanks to its online server capacity. But soon it wants to start turning consumer devices in to a video delivery network. Elaborating on October’s announcement, in which Akamai struck a relationship to add its software to Cisco routers, its media SVP and GM Bill Wheaton […]


Nielsen’s Bradford: Programmatic Will Become “Victim Of Its Success”

LONDON — The new-wave automated decisioning for digital ad spending has come a long way in the last two years. But is the party about to end? “As programmatic increases in its success, as it really ramps up, it will become a slight victim of its success – some of those things that it’s subordinated […]


Videoplaza Aims To Tackle Ad Blockers’ Threat To Video Ads

Consumers’ usage of online ad-blocking software is growing, according to recent PageFair research – and that’s a problem for video, as well as text content. Video ad management platform Videoplaza sees the risk to video advertisers paying for pointless inventory, and is trying to crack the problem. “There are a couple of different ways that we’re […]


Unruly’s Townend: Human Emotion Can Turbocharge Programmatic

LONDON — In the rise of programmatic advertising’s “Maths Men“, the ad industry is overlooking the importance of creatives that turn on real emotions, says a viral video expert. Social media video agency Unruly Media has been building a data set quantifying the emotional response characteristics to video rather than categorizing responses by demographic fields, […]


Nielsen’s Bradford: TV & Online Measurement Are Coming Together

LONDON — One medium has long relied on imprecise, demographic viewer measuring; the other boasts super-detailed data-driven insight. But TV and internet channels are learning to hybridize the ways they quantify advertising audiences, one exec says. Nielsen media client consulting VP Andrew Bradford tells Beet.TV how TV joint industry committees in Germany and the UK […]


Responsive Design Is Key To Cross-Platform Advertising

LONDON — The proliferating number of media screens means advertising  campaigns now have to be conceived across channels – but technology vendors can help ease the pain, a panel of ad execs agrees. “We should be talking about the whole multi-screen element,” GroupM digital director Krishan Patel tells Beet.TV… “being able to target campaigns holistically […]

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