CHICAGO – Omnichannel marketing has become more challenging as viewing habits change, especially amid the disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic. With more people consuming media on smartphones and through connected TVs, marketers must quickly adapt their strategies to reach their most likely customers.

It’s helpful to remember the “Five I’s”  when it comes to omnichannel marketing, Lance Neuhauser, president of advertising software platform Mediaocean, said in this episode of “Delivering on the Promise of Omnichannel Advertising,” a Beet.TV series presented by Mediaocean.

Those “I’s” stand for independence, integration, intelligence, interoperability and impact. They’re a key part of Mediaocean’s platform after acquiring 4C Insights this year to provide more in-depth data analysis to advertisers.

“The platform needs to be independent,” Neuhauser said. “When you have all of these ecosystems being built up, you need someone who can come in and actually look across each of these ecosystems again so that the marketer can represent themselves properly to the consumer. ”

Despite that independence, marketers also need a technology solution that’s integrated with other platforms, he said. Before the acquisition by Mediaocean, Neuhauser had been CEO of 4C Insights for more than six years.

“This is one of the areas that Mediaocean was so excited about at 4C — the level of data science and engineering that we bring to the table so that Mediaocean can go from simply processing $150 billion worth of media to influencing $150 billion worth of media,” he said, “to put the right tools in the hands of both agencies and marketers.”

Interoperabilty provides more seamless functioning among platforms, while data intelligence helps to measure impact, he said.

“You have to be able to take this down to the bottom line, especially now,” Neuhauser said. “We’ve all seen businesses be stretched as a result of the circumstances that are taking place, especially in 2020, where every dollar, every message that goes in market has to be scrutinized more than ever before.”

Omnichannel marketing requires those five elements to reach consumers among a variety of media channels.

“It takes real technology to truly forge ahead in the emerging converging TV space,” Neuhauser said. “Technology needs to mirror that. It enables marketers to market the way consumers consume — all touchpoints, all moments, all screens.”

Mediaocean, whose roots go back to the 1960s with Donovan Systems, has been aggressive about buying software companies that CEO Bill Wise has described as “mini Mediaoceans” in other markets. The acquisitions include MBS and Symsys to expand into Europe, and PIN Systems and BCC AdSystems to push into the Asia-Pacific region.

You are watching “Delivering on the Promise of Omnichannel Advertising,” a Beet.TV series presented by Mediaocean. Please click here for more videos.