As Tim Hanlon surveys the advanced television landscape, he sees “a quickening in the pace” of all things actionable. “Literally just six to 12 months ago, you couldn’t have an intelligent conversation about how television and data truly work together,” says the Founder & CEO of The Vertere Group.

Things like attribution from set-top box data to blockchain technology for programmatic transactions are suddenly in the mainstream.

“These are all things that literally in the last year have gone from just general concepts to truly actionable items,” Hanlon says in this interview with Beet.TV.

Much of the change has been embraced by legacy TV and upstart digital players alike. As for the former, Hanlon points to Comcast “with lots of different toeholds” in the business, from NBCUniversal to ecosystem technology providers.

“Comcast is maybe the leading media company now with all of those assets under one roof. That is an exquisite position to influence how the future of advertising on television and or video looks and feels and is shaped,” Hanlon observes.

Then there is Google, a pure play digital adtech firm “wanting to get into the television industry in a big way.”

Although in some respects, Comcast and Google could be viewed as “two warring titans for the future of TV advertising,” they actually might need each other.

“That’s the exciting part of how the future of television advertising is evolving.”

Vertere provides consulting and advisory services to companies of all sizes “or financial folks in between who are trying to figure each other out.”

It could be a TV network struggling with adopting programmatic or incorporating data into its sales process. These clients might need to consider collaborating with startups “and companies on the outside.”

Conversely, early stage companies are “trying to get on the radars of some of these big media firms.” In between are “a ton of financial folks.”

The insights of a third party can help to marry assets and opportunities. “We spend more of our time having those kinds of conversations than we ever have before,” Hanlon says.

This video is part of a series of Beet.TV’s coverage of the Advanced Advertising conference held during NYC TV Week. Beet.TV’s coverage is presented by 4C Insights. Please find additional videos on this page.