New IAB Chair Wiener: We Need to Embrace “Precision Engagement”

PALM SPRINGS – As the digital publishing industry gathered for the annual IAB Leadership Meeting this week to mark the  milestone of reaching $50 billion, its Chairperson says that publishers need reorient themselves around delivering advertising precisely to those who want the ads. Newly named IAB Chair Lauren Wiener, President, Platform Buyers,  Tremor Video,  says that […]


Digital Media Business Needs to Embrace Diversity, MediaLink’s Michael Kassan

PALM SPRINGS — As the digital media industry celebrates its 20 years and the milestone of being a $50 billion global industry, the business needs to become more diverse, says Michael Kassen, CEO of the powerhouse media consultantcy in this interview. We spoke with him on Sunday at the IAB’s annual leadership meeting.


“Invalid Traffic” is Highest in Mobile Video, Ernst & Young’s Terlizzi

Fraud, malware and pirated sites are costing the digital media industry over $8 billion a year.   While the problem pervades all digital media, the highest percentage of invalid traffic is for mobile video at 12 percent, says Nick Terlizzi, Partner, Media and Entertainment Advisory Services at Ernst & Young LLP in this interview with Beet.TV E&Y […]


Too Much Money Fueling Ad-Tech Chaos: IAB’s Rothenberg

Sometimes, it takes a former reporter to tell you straight. Even if you don’t like the sound of what Randall Rothenberg has to say, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) president and CEO has a sharp and timely view from his vantage point at the top of the online ad industry. That view – you may see the […]


NewFronts Will Be Bigger, Open To Smaller Firms, IAB’s Rothenberg

The Digital Content NewFronts, the event in which digital content owners get to shop their latest productions to marketers eager for an audience, is coming up on April 27 in New York. “The NewFronts are expanding to almost two full weeks,” says IAB president and CEO Randall Rothenberg, whose organization stages the event. “There is more interest […]


IAB’s Rothenberg: The Problem with Viewabilty is the Tech Vendors

While publishers and advertisers are essential in agreement over what constitutes a “viewable” digital advertisement, the technology for measuring ‘viewability” is a big problem, with multiple tech vendors coming with vastly different findings, says Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB in this interview with Beet.TV He says that there are disparities of 30-40 percent between […]


Branded Video Goals Wide Ranging by Brand, Maxus’ Jill Langan

Branded content goals vary widely by client, but can be used to deliver on a range of marketing goals, says Jill Langan, Senior Partner and Strategic Planning Director at Maxus, in an interview with Elaine Boxer, Director of Industry Initiatives at the IAB. Some Maxus clients lean on branded video to change brand perception. “We […]


IAB’s Shah: Too Many Viewability Platforms Will Hurt Industry

Viewability, the recently-defined metric that defines whether an online ad slot is really viewable by consumers is a wholesale change for the industry – but its benefits may be blunted as too many platforms are vying to help advertisers capitalize, according to Ziff Davis CEO and IAB chair Vivek Shah. “We’re creating a standard in […]


Omnicom Links with Facebook for Targeted Ad Delivery via Atlas

Omnicom has signed an agreement with Facebook as the first agency holding company to work with Facebook’s Atlas for its ad serving platform, the company announced earlier this week in New York. At the IAB MIXX conference, we spoke with Jonathan Nelson, CEO of Omnicom Digital about the alliance and the opportunity to deliver ads […]


Online GRP Standard In ‘A Year Or Two’: IAB’s Mane

The online ad industry’s recent embrace of TV-style gross rating point (GRP) metrics for audience measurement has come largely thanks to roll-out of GRP systems by individual metrics groups. But the whole industry will have a sector-wide agreed GRP within a year, according to an advertising representative. “Now that everyone is agreeing that GRPs are […]


IAB’s Mane On Fraud: Keep Calm And Carry On

“Don’t panic!” That is Internet Advertising Bureau US‘ research, analytics and measurement SVP Sherrill Mane‘s advice to an advertising industry growing alarmed by the rise of apparent fraudulent viewing of their ad buys. “The distinction between (‘fraud’ and ‘viewability’ is not being made correctly,” Mane tells Beet.TV. “The danger to the reputation of the industry […]


The U.K. Tops Percentage of Digital Ad Spend, the IAB’S Phillipson

LONDON –  With some 35% of all advertising going to digital media, or about $10 billion last year, the U.K. may have the  greatest percentage of digital ad spend in the world, says Guy Phillipson, CEO of the IAB UK, in this interview with Beet.TV In the interview, he shares the state of digital in […]


IAB’s Rothenberg: Digital Video is a Cultural and Business Force

Akin to the early days of cable when it a new medium, digital video is emerging as both a cultural force and business, says Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB, the trade association for digital publishers, in this interview with Beet.TV He expects that the two weeks of digital video presentations, called the Digital Content […]


IAB Readies Biggest NewFronts w/ Buzzfeed, New York Times, Vice, others

PALM SPRINGS, CA —  The Digital Content NewFronts, the annual showcase of original video programming to the advertising community, will span two weeks, and will  include a number of new presenting publishers including Buzzfeed, The New York Times and Vice, says Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB in this in this over view of the […]


Creative Optimization on Horizon, WPP’s Digital Chief David Moore

PALM SPRINGS, CA — Big data has helped marketers optimize audiences for their ad campaigns but the next important trend will be in optimizing creative, says David Moore, Chairman of Xaxis and President of WPP Digital, in this interview with Beet.TV at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting. Real-time buying makes it possible to quickly learn if an […]


IAB UK’s Chester: Industry Must Calm Marketers’ Programmatic Fears

LONDON —  Advertiser interest in programmatic is growing, but more work needs to be done to better describe and allay fears over the phenomenon, says an exec representing both buy- and sell-side. The make-up of attendees to an Internet Advertising Bureau UK conference on the topic has gone up from 10% advertisers last year to […]


IAB’s Chester: Programmatic Has Significant Market Share

LONDON — We know that automated, so-called “programmatic” purchasing of online ad space is important and growing. But how important, and how fast is it growing? “We don’t have any independent figures at the moment,” the Internet Advertising Bureau UK‘s data and industry programmes head Steve Chester tells Beet.TV. “We will have that next year […]


IAB’s Rothenberg: Creativity is “Flourishing” in the Emerging Digital Media World

While many in the media world think  that creativity in advertising has taken a back seat to the emergence of technology, Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB,  the industry organization for digital publishers, says that creativity is flourishing.  Several creative shops were recognized at the IAB MIXX Awards on Tuesday night. We spoke with him […]


IAB Chief: Publishers Demand Industry Standards in Programmatic Buying

CANNES – While the move to automated systems of buying and selling advertising inventory is inevitable, the ad agency trading desks and the holding companies need to do a much better job in creating technical and business standards around the emerging electronic marketplace, says Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB, the digital publishing industry’s trade […]


IAB’s CEO Rothenberg on the NewFronts: “Birth of a New, Popular Medium”

With the involvement of highly creative television producers, talent and the enthusiasm of marketers, this year’s Digital Content NewFronts marks the “birth of a new, popular medium,” says Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the IAB, the global industry trade organization for the digital publishing industry, in this interview with Beet.TV.  This year, the IAB is the […]

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