LAS VEGAS – A significant part of the media marketplace is behind paywalls or in closed systems known as walled gardens that include social media platforms, shopping sites and connected television apps. Fortunately, brands can reach a greater range of audiences outside of these channels on the open web.

“The greatest opportunity of the open internet, when you think about the full funnel and all the opportunities that exist is the diversity of partners in that ecosystem,” Chrissie Hanson, chief executive of Omnicom Group’s OMD USA, said in this interview at CES 2025 with Julian Zilberbrand on behalf of Beet.TV.

“It’s a little bit like when you think about biology. The more diverse things are, the stronger the final product is,” she said, “and it is the same thing when you think about that full-funnel experience.”

Closing ‘Say-Do’ Gap

The commitment to collaboration and co-creation among partners and different sources of data results in more touchpoints between brands and consumers. Within this environment, Hanson said brands must close what she describes as the “say-do” gap – or the difference between what people say they’ll do and what they actually do.

“It is always about understanding what is the kind of insight behind an audience. What is the driver?” Hanson said. “If you do that thoughtfully, that is when your attention rises.”

You’re watching “Rethinking the Open Internet”, a Beet.TV Leadership Series at CES 2025, presented by Outbrain. For more videos from this series, please visit this page. You can view all of our CES 2025 content here