LONDON – State-supported, English-language  Russia Today (RT) and Iran’s Press TV are building a “loyal following” via the live news aggregator Livestation, says the company’s CEO Lippe Oosterhof in this segement from the recent Beet.TV video journalism summit at the Financial Times.

The London-based company takes the satellite feeds of several international broadcasters and delivers them globally via a Web site and mobile apps.  Oosterhof says his company takes a non-political approach to bringing news sources to the company’s platform.

Russia Today is distributed via Livestation as well as on its own global site as is the Teheran-based Press TV.

Russia TV is YouTube Star

Russia Today has built a huge following on YouTube with 13 million monthly views with some 300K subscribers.

According to the OpenSlate, the new marketplace that ranks “quality” of YouTube channels, Russia Today has the top score of the major news organizations on YT.

Andy Plesser

Disclosure:  Livestation was a co-sponsor of the event at the FT.