Comscore’s ‘Epidemic Safety Filter’ Lets Brands Opt Out Of Virus News: Gantz

VIA BEETCAM — Is coronavirus good or bad for advertisers and their publishers? The thirst for information about the pandemic is widely seen as driving a flight of audience to trusted news sources. So you may think that advertisers would be happy with the traffic boost. But some ad buyers are unhappy with the nuance […]


Context Is Back: Comscore’s Gantz Reboots An Old Ad-Tech

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — The digital ad industry has spent the last five to 10 years deriding the old method of targeting advertisements, which involved placing ads against recognisable content deemed to deliver a suitable audience. Instead, it got preoccupied with technologies which promise hyper-detailed targeting of individual users, regardless of the content they are […]


Data-Driven Means Data-Cleaning: Comscore’s Hinnant

SAN JUAN, PR — The new world of digital marketing promises advertisers the ability to link consumer outcomes like sales back to advertising exposure, and so to price ads accordingly. But the emerging focus on “attribution” and “outcomes” doesn’t come as easy as it sounds. “Data is not sexy,” Hinnant says, in this Beet Retreat […]


Linear TV Is Going Addressable & National: Comscore’s Hinnant

SAN JUAN, PR — Cable TV operators and other service providers may have been amongst the first to be able to offer their advertisers advanced TV targeting capabilities like dynamic ad replacement. But new advances mean the TV networks which historically run over the operators can also now offer equivalent functionality. “Up until today, addressable […]


Attribution Is Critical for Advanced TV: Comscore’s Wilson

Comscore CRO Chris Wilson wants clients to trust its insight on the future of advanced TV. Comscore’s goal is to help buy-side advertisers get better results from ad measurement. Attribution is critical, says Wilson, and it’s even more critical that advertisers are operating off not just a subset of data, segmented by channel (linear TV, […]


Comscore’s Worthem Wants To Expand Addressable TV Minutes

SANTA BARBARA — Addressable TV advertising technology has the capability to help advertisers target customized TV ads at individual households based on known data characteristics. But TV networks give cable and satellite platforms the ability to sell just two minutes per hour of advertising in their live feeds of network programming. So how is addressable […]


Comscore Offers New Metrics, ‘Personas’ For Targeting: EVP Psacharopoulos

Buying television inventory programmatically continues to grow along with TV content choices. Comscore is responding by augmenting its audience-targeting offerings, including various personas, according to EVP Anthony Psacharopoulos. “I definitely think we’re coming of age, if you will. We’re hitting that critical mass where yes there used to be scarce inventory. But especially with consumer […]


Cross-Screen Identity Rests On Cooperation, Not Technology: Comscore, NCC Media, Nielsen

A big conundrum in cross-screen audience targeting is the need for cooperation across a multitude of potential partners even as the number of partners continues to multiply. And technology itself isn’t the white knight it was once thought of, judging from a panel discussion at the recent Beet.TV leadership forum. The panel titled Making Identity […]


Marketers Should Not Expect One Central Identity Graph: Comscore, NCC Media, Nielsen

Marketers that are seeking to better understand consumers’ identities need to start by earning consumer trust and then build platforms that are “privacy by design” were two main takeaways from a panel at the recent Beet.TV leadership forum. It seems likely there won’t be one central identity graph for each person judging from comments by […]


Comscore Raises Curtain On NBCU’s Outcome-Based Movie Campaign Guarantee

Like many companies, Comscore plays an important role in seeking to derive unduplicated reach curves for television audiences, along with other data advancements. It recently played a key role in a project with NBCUniversal in which NBCU guaranteed business outcomes for the first time, in a campaign for the movie The Upside. Comscore’s seat at […]


Turner’s Rockwood: Better Cross-Screen Measurement Means Easier Transactions

Given the complexity of the premium video marketplace, “It’s just been messy to do business,” says Turner’s Beth Rockwood. But that doesn’t mean complexity is necessarily a bad thing. For nearly 10 years the industry has been aware of the challenge of “needing to do something different and better,” Rockwood explains in this interview with […]


ARF Research Will Develop Cross-Platform Measurement, Attribution Standards: CRO Donato

The ARF is devoting 2019 to working with its members on empirical research that can help to shape industry standards for cross-platform audience measurement and advertising attribution. Until then, tension will exist among the buy- and sell-side, along with the plethora of companies offering measurement and attribution solutions. The latter was evident at the recent […]


What Is ‘TV’? Hulu, FreeWheel, dataxu, comScore, 4C Execs Discuss

SAN JUAN — If you listen to the tech crowd and if you look at some of the consumer behavior, TV is “dying”. But, if that is the case, how do you explain Netflix? Many executives in the industry have long since moved on from using “TV” to describe the box in the living room connected […]


Comscore Has Local TV Measurement Deals With Nexstar, Scripps And Gray

LAS VEGAS—With new and expanded measurement deals with Nexstar and other local television broadcasters in hand, “We feel like the levee is breaking in local,” says Comscore CEO Bryan Wiener. This week, Comscore announced an expansion of its deal with Nexstar, the second-largest TV broadcaster, provide measurement and ad sales currency for all Nexstar markets, […]


Comscore’s Hofstetter: Legacy Brands Need Direct-To-Consumers’ ‘Fresh Look’ At Marketing

LAS VEGAS—Enterprise marketers that have watched direct-to-consumer brands infringe on their market share need to push the reset button, according to Comscore’s Sarah Hofstetter. “And I don’t mean start moving all your advertising to direct marketing on Facebook although that’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Hofstetter says in this interview with Beet.TV at CES 2019. […]


Comscore’s Hofstetter Calls for Industry”Re-Education” Around Premium Video Investment

While the opportunities around premium video are “extraordinary,” educating the buy-side about cross-platform execution has long been a common industry theme. For Comscore, which has seen many changes over the past year, it’s more of a re-education process, according to President Sarah Hofstetter. In this interview with Beet.TV roughly a month into her new role […]


In Expanding CFlight Portfolio-Wide, NBCU Systems Set To Progress: EVP Vazirani

As it looks to expand its CFlight all-screen audience measurement currency to its entire portfolio in 2019, NBCUniversal is finding that upgraded transactional systems are key to CFlight’s implementation. “I think everybody conceptually believes in this,” says Kavita Vazirani. “I think the challenges have come in the systems. That’s where the harder conversations have been.” […]


Comscore’s Hinnant On Data Matching And Being In The OpenAP Universe

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—When it comes to matching consumer datasets, Comscore should be considered more of a chef than someone who actually produces food. “We offer these audiences tied to the viewing behavior of television and to digital audiences as well. What you have to understand is that we don’t have a hand in creating […]


Premium Is In Ad Purgatory: New Comscore President Hofstetter

Publishers and broadcasters have spent the last year moving from a binary operating model (“digital” and “linear”) to a holistic one. But ad buyers are still split across the two traditional worlds, and that is curtailing ad spending, according to an ex ad agency boss who now oversees digital media measurement. In this video interview […]


NCC Media’s Advanced TV Goals: National Capabilities, One Infrastructure

From its roots aggregating spot cable television buys for advertisers, NCC Media has learned how to “rationalize the irrational.” This will certainly come in handy as it expands beyond linear TV into digital. “Historically, we were seen as just an ad rep organization and what we’re trying to do is build adtech underneath it that […]

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