This July, we introduced our newest Beet Retreat. It was held in  the picturesque southern Berkshires town of Salisbury, Connecticut.  I am proud to say, it was very well received by 80 industry leaders.

In addition to the essential conversations and great times, we raised over $18,000 at a charity auction benefiting

The Retreat continues to have an impact on our wider industry with the 30 videos we have published, produced on location.

Given the success, I am pleased to announce we are returning to Salisbury on July 21-23. Magnite will join us again as our presenting  sponsor.

This makes three annual Retreats which also include Santa Monica, November 15-17 and San Juan, March 6-8.  Our November dates for Santa Monica 2024 will be announced soon.

Published on this page is a highlight reel of the Berkshires event.  Many thanks to everyone who made this such a success.

Registration for  the Salisbury event will be open early next year.

To find out more about our plans over the next 12 months, visit this page.