The media and marketing industries are growing more mindful about their effects they have on the environment. While media companies and ad agencies may not spill deadly chemicals in waterways or strip-mine forests for minerals, advertising relies heavily on electricity that is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels.

That’s where ethical advertising platform Good-Loop fits in.

“We help brands measure and reduce the carbon footprint of their ads, as well as investing in climate journalism or investing in amazing charitable foundations,” Amy Williams, founder and chief executive of Good-Loop, said in this interview with Beet.TV. “We work with brands in the diversity space, helping them to support, fund and advocate for underrepresented communities.”

As advertising executives congregate this year in the French Riviera for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, they will see more discussions about climate change and what they can do to raise awareness about global warming. For the first time, the festival this year is introducing sustainability criteria in every advertising award category.

“This year, the conversation has matured significantly and it’s a testament to how quickly this stuff is moving,” Williams said. “We’ve seen multiple technology partners come onto the scene that are helping brands in this space. We’ll have some healthy debates and I think we’re going to really start seeing the brands that aren’t engaging in it being left behind.”

We spoke with Williams earlier this month at the LUMA Partners DMS conference where she was a speaker.  For more Beet.TV coverage of the event, please visit this page