Xaxis’ Grether: Programmatic Video Stragegy Differs Between U.S. and Europe

COLOGNE — It may be a global industry, but advertisers in the US and Europe exhibit different approaches to the programmatic, automated ad targeting prospect that is now revolutionizing video ad buying, says one company in the know. “In the US, it’s all about performance,” Mark Grether, COO of Group M’s in-house data targeting agency […]


Xaxis’ Schlickum: ‘Europe Has Adopted RTB More Carefully Than US’

COLOGNE — “The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed,” wrote sci-fi novelist William Gibson. And that’s exactly the landscape for so-called programmatic and real-time automated ad bidding techniques. “The way publishers have engaged with the programmatic space in Europe has been much more careful – they’ve thought about it much more,” […]


Xaxis’ Schlickum: ‘Video Next For Programmatic Ad Disruption’

COLOGNE — Automated, programmatic ad-buying technologies are disrupting the display advertising market. And, increasingly, they will do the same for video ads, says one exec. “From an advertiser point of view, the idea of audience targeting is something they’re extremley keen to do across video as much as they are across other places,” Caspar Schlickum, […]


PRISM Revelations Hurting Advertisers’ Efforts in Europe, GroupM’s Montgomery

COLOGNE — The US PRISM data snooping controversy has hampered efforts to argue against European ad-targeting rules that are already too onerous, says GroupM Interaction COO John Montgomery.   GroupM is the media agency  holding unit of WPP. “The US is trying to support self-regulation – we’re trying to avoid any form of legislation by regulating […]


GroupM’s Norman: Advertisers Must Embrace the “Stream” With Quick Content

CANNES — Advertising group GroupM’s chief digital officer thinks the top challenge for marketers is to insert themselves in new platforms like Twitter and Facebook that are all about chronologically-ordered, stream-based real-time media consumption. “Every time the distribution channels change – and the stream is a new distribution channel –  typically the manufacturing problem changes […]


Adaptive And Addressable: How Connected TV Could Totally Target Ads

LONDON – GroupM’s Mindshare already targets many conventional TV ads using online data – but the full internet delivery of TV advertising could unleash even greater targetability. Speaking at Beet.TV’s recent London Video Ad Strategy Summit, the group’s chief digital officer Norm Johnston said Mindshare already leverages geographical search data – for example, showing people […]


Xaxis’ Schlikum: Programmatic Automates Repetitive Processes

Nowadays, programmatic digital ad-buying technology automates targeted ad buying and removes the task from human operators. But those ad buyers should rejoice at throwing off the shackles of the mind-numbing task, according to a GroupM executive. “What programmatic does is free up resource,” Caspar Schlikum, the EMEA managing director of GroupM’s data-centric ad unit Xaxis, told […]


Maxus’ Cartwright: Nine In 10 Online Video Ads Are TV Spots

Online video advertising is taking off – because most of the ads are just plain ol’ TV commercials. Ruth Cartwright, the broadcast director at GroupM’s Maxus agency, told Beet.TV at the recent London Video Ad Strategy Summit her outfit is spending six to 10 percent of clients’ budgets on online video ads. “Ninety percent of the clients […]


Xaxis’ Markarian: ‘Programmatic buying is the future of video advertising’

Data-driven, automated video inventory buying (AKA programmatic buying) is “the future for video advertising,” according to one advertising executive working in the space. “With online video combined with traditional TV, we have much more precise targeting possibilities,” Rosa Markarian, the EMEA region product development director of GroupM’s Xaxis audience profiling unit, told Beet.TV during the […]


MediaCom’s Hodge: TV And Video Ads Are Not Created Equally

Many advertising execs are advocating the amalgamation of video ad buying across TV and online. But, at Beet.TV’s recent London Video Ad Strategy Summit, the online investment head of GroupM’s MediaCom agency, warned a single piece of creative must be judged very differently across the two formats. “There’s a tendency to want to revert everything […]


‘One Big Campaign’: Maxus Melds TV, Video Ad Buying

LONDON – GroupM media planning and buying agency Maxus says online video consumption is now so great that advertisers should buy campaign time across both online and conventional television. “VOD is more and more an integral part of any TV campaign,” Maxus’ Ruth Cartwright told us during Beet.TV’s London Video Ad Strategy Summit. “We’re looking […]


London Rises as Center of the Digital Video Advertising Revolution: Beet.TV Summit Set for 4.24

The much anticipated convergence of television and digital video ad buying agencies is becoming the norm in the U.K. where media agencies have consolidated video and television buying operations — and where as much as 30 percent of television advertising is now being bought for digital devices.  These are some of the stories and trends we […]


Programmatic Buying is the “Biggest Push” at WPP, Christina Beaumier

Programmatic buying of media including display, video, radio and soon digital out-of-home, comprises the “biggest push” around media buying at WPP’s giant media agency GroupM, says Christina Beaumier, VP at GroupM’s Xaxis unit, in this interview with Beet.TV Beaumier explains how data around consumer behavior is driving effective media buying in real-time – and how […]

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