The business of delivering video files quickly and efficiently to users is made possible by Content Delivery Network (CDN) companies. The big players are Akamai and Limelight.

But there are many emerging players, plus big, established companies moving into the space including VeriSign and Level 3.

Level 3 is a big Internet backbone/data company that has recently entered the CDN business. Here’s a really good article on this in Light Reading.

At the Streaming Media East conference earlier this month, I spoke with Level 3’s Lisa Guilluame.  She explains the company’s new direction and offerings.

We often think that it’s just the big companies who can afford CDN services. But Level 3, Akamai and others are providing services to smaller publishers through networks of resellers. So, anyone can stream video at a reasonable costs tied to the number of streams.

— Andy Plesser

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