
We’ve uploaded all 260 or so video clips from Beet.TV to our "Partner" channel on YouTube and it’s really starting to grow.  Folks are subscribing to the channel, commenting and generally spreading the word.  Today, the purple channel ranked 69, which I think it is pretty cool.  And yes, I have been designated a "Guru" on YouTube.  True!

We are going to continue to publish on Beet.TV as a vlog natch, but setting up alternative distribution channels are essential. 

Speaking of exciting metrics, I am stunned to see that my high school film noir of sex, drugs, alienation and rock ‘n roll is really doing well on Google Video.  Its had over 41,000 streams and is ranked somewhere around 25,000 in the most popular clips of "all time" on Google Video.  I shot the 11 minute film on a 16mm camera and edited it back in 1969. The soundtrack was recorded by my high school buddies. The story is semi-biographical, but I don’t play myself. My parents and dog appear near the end.

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