On these pages, we have explored what form of online video advertising is effective. This in a business still very much in its early stages and strategies are still emerging.

There are many different approaches: from YouTube’s contextual banner ad placements around the clip, to insertion of post-roll clips at Revver to the pervasive pre-roll clips seen on many media web sites.

David Hallerman, senior analyst at eMarketer, has some interesting views on what works and what doesn’t. He’s not convinced about the effectiveness of post-roll ads — he thinks viewers will switch off. And, he thinks that pre-roll advertising can be a turnoff.

He thinks the most promising approach is in "gateways." Meaning visitors need to watch a brief ad before entering the video section. Once "inside," these videos would not have advertising.

David thinks this "gateway" approach, created by Salon.com, is a feasible approach. Publishers including The Wall Street Journal use this sort of gateway approach to their video offerings. 

David also says that video advertising placed on Web sites in the form of video ads are effective and inexpensive.  Certainly the movie studios have done an effective job in placing video ad of movie trailers.

— Andy Plesser

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