Google Video has a big hit on its hands with new EepyBird video with nearly 1 million views. I spoke with Hunter Walk at the Google headquarters last Monday.

He told me he’s really pleased with the humorous clip, but that things are early in the whole online video advertising space and that the post-roll ad after the exploding Diet Coke spot is an experiment.

He and his crew are figuring out what’s the best user experience — and what ad format work for advertisers. Hunter says that Google’s approach to online video advertising is "scalable."  The company’s technology capabilities for serving relevant ads along with a huge advertiser base will make Google formidable in this space, no doubt about that.

Hunter had previously run AdSense at Google — so he probably has a pretty good idea how this is going to develop.  Stay tuned.

Microsoft Makes Big Video Download News…..big plans from Microsoft to make available lots of entertainment video to the XBox and they will have online "store" to manage this.  Rob Levine has a fascinating report in The New York Times.

More Vloggie Coverage –This is of Me!

My good buddy Tom Foremski of the Silicon Valley Watcher has gone a little overboard about me and my vlog.  The veteran Financial Times scribe interviewed me on Saturday night with a cool new video camera and posted the interview to YouTube.  He breathlessly writes about his interview with me:

"I managed to grab a quick interview with Andy Plesser, the man behind the fast rising videoblogging sensation Beet.TV. Andy flew in from New York. Here’s a rare on-camera interview with Beet.TV’s Andy Plesser:"

Thanks Tom…you have been such a good buddy and supporter all these years.  Much obliged.

Andy Plesser

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