How Mastercard Uses AI To Build Social Ads: Rajamannar

Using artificial intelligence to identify social media conversations in which to best place an ad? Priceless. Mastercard is a brand sitting on top of a lot of customer data. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing Communications Officer & President, Healthcare Business, Mastercard, explains how he is tapping customer data and social […]


For Mastercard’s Rajamannar, Multi-Sensory Marketing Is Priceless

CANNES – If you thought Mastercard’s brand revision was just about the logo, think again, listen up or… have a sniff. For Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing Communications Officer & President, Healthcare Business, Mastercard, marketing has to go “multi-sensory”. That means appealing to ears, noses, tastebuds and skin receptors. Sensory clutter “When we are trying to reach […]


TV Must Leap Into Metaverse’s The Fifth Paradigm: Mastercard’s Rajamannar

OTT, CTV, SVOD, FAST – whichever acronym you care to use, there’s no escaping the fact that each is just another variant for the same thing, television. For all the industry’s contortions to make the new TV ad infrastructure work, the end result – TV ads – looks an awful lot like the old world […]


Sorting out the “Holy Mess” of Consumer Privacy and Identity: Advice from Mastercard’s Raja Rajamannar

He thinks the challenges posed by the search for alternatives to third-party cookies add up to a “holy mess”. But Raja Rajamannar isn’t sorry. The chief marketing officer of Mastercard’s health business says the quest for user privacy is right-on. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Rajamannar explains which replacements may work best, and how […]


“AI is Going to be the Single Biggest Disruptor and Enabler of Marketing,” Mastercard’s Rajamannar

For one man, the turning of a year also represents the dawning of a new age. Raja Rajamannar, in his new book, Quantum Marketing: Mastering the New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow’s Consumers, says the industry is emerging into what he calls “the fifth paradigm” of marketing. Rajamannar is Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Mastercard […]


Brands Should Respond To Crisis With Unique Authenticity: Mastercard’s Rajamannar

When the world is on fire, how can corporate America help citizens douse the flames? In 2020, the nation is living through a virus pandemic and racial tension. Marketers had already been challenged to respond to the former, now they are also contending with the latter. So, how should brands best behave? Using a unique […]


Delay the TV Upfronts: Mastercard’s Rajamannar, P&G’s Pritchard, ANA Urge a Transformed Marketplace

Given the current state of the pandemic, the traditional TV UpFronts events have been cancelled or have gone virtual.  Negotiating in this climate has proven challenging to the nation’s marketers as they assess TV ad investment. In an announcement, the ANA demands upfront sales, which were due to be for ads airing between October 2020 […]


COVID-19 Changes Everyone’s Context: Mastercard’s Rajamannar

As the sun sets on cookies, many are looking to contextual advertising, the practise of targeting not the audience for content but the content itself, to offer up the best advertising results. In contextual targeting, ad buyers would seek optimal adjacency to various kinds of content. But, to Raja Rajamannar, there is one overriding context […]


Mastercard’s Rajamannar On Executive Gender & The Benefits Of Diversity

ORLANDO — For corporate America, “diversity and inclusion” rose up the imperative ranks in 2018 like probably no year previously. But those qualities are not just nice-to-haves or boxes to tick – they also lead to natural uplift in business effectiveness. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Mastercard chief marketing and communications officer Raja Rajamannar […]


Forget Storytelling, It’s All About ‘Story Making’: Mastercard’s Raja Rajamannar

ORLANDO – Listening to Mastercard’s Raja Rajamannar, one wonders how marketers juggle the myriad the complexities and challenges that did not exist a mere decade ago. Even if they manage to master technology, brand safety, cause marketing and acquiring suitable talent, consumers don’t want to see their ads. So it’s a bit ironic that brands’ […]