Belief In ‘Better Ads’ Is ‘Self-Delusional’: Fox’s Marchese

CANNES — John Marchese has seen the future. It’s a world where consumers really like ads, and want to get more of them, because they enjoy interacting with commercial messages. That’s a world away from where we are today, says Fox Networks Group’s advanced advertising president. Because the truth is, consumers don’t really like ads at all. “We […]


true[X] Doesn’t Serve Fox Alone, explains COO David Levy

It may have been bought by 21st Century Fox a year ago, but video ad tech platform true[X] is taking pains to say that doesn’t mean it serves just one studio master. “true[X] is still an independent organization – we still service ABC, CBS, Viacom,” says true[X] COO and C0founder David Levy, in this video interview with Beet.TV. The company’s […]


true[X] Gives Engaged Viewers Fewer, Better Ads

Big media companies don’t usually buy vendors that want to rip up their historic main funding mechanism. But true[X] wants to reboot the way advertising is delivered by 21st Century Fox, which acquired it for $200 million in December. What is true[X]’s big idea? Rewarding viewers for interacting with good ads by showing them fewer ads overall, says […]

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