The Four Pillars Of A Clean Ad Supply Framework: 4As’ Karandikar

In 2021, digital ad supply isn’t enough. Today, ad buyers want to know the provenance, the pathway and the performance of that inventory. If those are the three Ps of the practice known as supply path optimization (SPO), then here is another framework. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Ashwini Karandikar, EVP, Media, Technology, Data […]


GroupM’s Jaffe Examines SSPs & Beyond In ‘Inclusive’ Supply-Path Interrogation

Of the many digital ad buyers now engaged in “supply-path optimization” (SPO), most consider it a quest for efficiency. But what if it could also move the needle on social responsibility? In this video interview with Beet.TV, GroupM VP, Managing Partner, Global Head of Programmatic, explains how SPO is changing. Socially-responsible SPO SPO has risen […]


Agencies Want Uniform Ad Privacy Regulation, 4As’ Pepper Says

Alison Pepper wants the advertising industry to respect consumers’ privacy. She just doesn’t want a multitude of ways in which to execute that. Europe ignited the new privacy era with its GDPR legislation, prompting California’s CCPA, deprecation of third-party cookies and other mobile identifiers and now a federal look at privacy policy. In this video […]


Ford’s Roadmap To Safety & Diversity: Marla Skiko

For many of us, 2020 marked the emergence into a whole new world – one ravaged by pandemic and one awakening to a thirst for fairness. For Marlo Skiko, it also marked another change. From being EVP ad ad agency Starcom, Skiko went brand-side at Ford Motor Company, as US and global head of media. […]


ANA CEO Liodice Wants Answer To ‘Opaque’ Ad Supply Chain, a Conversation with Joanna O’Connell of Forrester

How much of brands’ digital ad spend is simply wasted? That’s the question Bob Liodice wants an answer to. In April, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), of which Liodice is CEO, issued a call seeking a consultant to conduct a study to help the organization understand how much actual spend is siphoned off in […]


Balance Performance & Responsibility: MediaMath’s Cordier

How can modern marketers combine two of the leading priorities of the age? It all boils down to a need to balance two key pillars – performance and responsibility – according to MediaMath chief partnerships officer Laurent Cordier. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Cordier talks about how those imperatives can come to the fore. […]


Build Back Better: MediaMath’s Zawadzki On The New, ‘Enterprise-Open’ Ad Infrastructure

What happens when consumers, regulators and service providers rip up the fabric of ad targeting practices that have prevailed for the last two decades? “Profound change,” according to GroupM North America CEO Kirk McDonald. In this video interview with Beet.TV, McDonald interviews MediaMath CEO Joe Zawadzki on how the entire advertising industry can reboot itself […]


AI Can Boost Ad Transparency In Age Of First-Party Proliferation: IBM’s Hlavacek

The waning of digital ad identifiers like cookies and Apple’s IDFA is prompting a new focus on advertisers and publishers gathering first-party audience data. Whilst it may seem easier to manage that direct, there is a school of thought that it is actually going to make things rather complicated. In this video interview with Beet.TV, […]


Transparency In The Age Of Complexity: Execs from ANA, 4A’s, IBM Watson Advertising, GroupM and MediaMath

Does it ever feel like your new digital super powers actually make your life more complicated? A growing number of marketers are coming to that conclusion. In’s Responsible Media Global Forum with GroupM and the 4As, plus with IBM Watson Advertising, MediaMath, Nielsen and Pubmatic, a series of guest speakers wrestled with balancing the […]