After The Cookie, Spark Has A New Ad Recipe, Giacosa Says

Traditional ad-targeting and measurement methods like third-party cookie matching and mobile identifiers are crumbling, it’s true. But many in the industry are not as pessimistic as some may have you believe. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Lisa Giacosa, president of Publicis Media agency Spark Foundry, suggests that the erosion of the accepted infrastructure also […]


Criteo is Growing its Massive Identity Graph with First-Party Data

Criteo, which is widely known as a global powerhouse in retargeting, will leverage its massive database of 2.5 billion active shoppers to prepare for a cookie-free world. This efforts are manifest at Criteo, and with the work it’s doing notably with The Trade Desk and Google, explains Megan Clarken, CEO in this interview with Matt Prohaska for Beet.TV She explains the importance of […]


Rebooting Wanamaker: TV Can Now Prove Effectiveness, Ampersand’s Matero Says

It is a century-old saying, but now the new world of data-infused TV ad buying could render it moot. As data, analytics and attribution are applied to internet-connected TV advertising, buyers increasingly have the opportunity to prove the effectiveness of their TV spending. “Gone are the days of, ‘50% of my advertising is working. I […]


Retailers Are The Ad Platforms Of The Future: Profitero’s Wiener

For any retailer with an online strategy, 2020 was likely a year of growth. But, outside of merely retail itself, retailers also now have a big new opportunity – to become advertising platforms. Over the last year or two, Target, Walmart and CVS have all launched their own media networks. In this video interview with […]


First-Party Time: Identifiers’ Demise Brings New Powers To Marketers, Comcast’s Marcus Says

They have been the fabric of digital ad targeting for two or three decades – but now third-party cookies are being deprecated, whilst mobile device identifiers are being switched to consumer opt-in. Taken together and coming off the back of consumer privacy policy changes, it represents the biggest threat to the accepted norms of digital […]


Retailer Media Networks Show Power of Shopper Data: Mediaocean’s Ramsey McGrory

First-party data about consumers are much more valuable to marketers as stricter privacy laws in several regions give people more control over how their personal information is shared. Amid the boom in ecommerce, retailers that sell advertising space on their websites are harnessing their first-party data to help marketers improve their targeting. That capability makes […]


Retailers Are The New Media Giants: Furious’ Swartz

Until now, the prospect of retailers using data to follow a customer in and out of store, ultimately aiming to attribute an end purchase back to an ad exposure, was a lofty goal – but rather complex to achieve. But two trends are making it a reality: The growing proportion of retail that occurs in […]


Let’s Get First-Party Started: Havas Media’s Mann On Brands’ Data Activation

In the space left by the erosion of digital audience identifiers, brands in 2020 realized they needed to pivot to using first-party data, that which they hold on customers and prospects. But, whilst they understand the principle behind using their customer database in ad targeting, it’s not so straightforward. In this video interview with Beet.TV, […]


After Identifiers, Identity: Acxiom’s Hollaway On The Value Exchange Imperative

LITTLE ROCK –  Third-party cookies’ disappearance act and the tightening controls on mobile identifiers pose a threat to the traditional way in which digital ads have bene targeted. So brands and publishers alike are having to pivot to gaining first-party data on audiences. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Kyle Hollaway, Acxiom VP and head […]


COVID-19 Has Swelled Retailers’ First-Party Data, Next Up ‘Joint-Party’: Publicis’ Lanzi

The COVID-19 pandemic may be a nightmare for politicians, businesses, society and a great number of individuals. But, for retailers that were facing challenges targeting customers, the crisis has been an opportunity to grow the data they hold on buyers. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Amy Lanzi, EVP, Commerce Practice Lead, Publicis Groupe, explains how […]


Brands Need New Tiers Of Customer Data, Merkle’s Swindle Says

For brands that were used to plugging targeting files into their ad buyers, the new world looks a lot different. Deprecation of third-party tracking cookies and limits on mobile ad identifiers are forcing more ad buyers to target more smartly. But, in this video interview with Beet.TV, Sandra Swindle, SVP, CRM Technology Delivery Lead at […]


Privacy Concerns Make 0% Opt-In ‘Realistic’: OMD’s Luke Lambert

CHICAGO – Stricter privacy laws are forcing marketers to develop strategies to improve audience targeting by developing sources of first-party data that consumers provide voluntarily. However, consumers want to know the benefits of providing that information, a key step in providing transparency and building trust. “When we talk about leveraging first-party data, we are typically […]


How Worried Marketers Can Rediscover Identity: Epsilon’s Stevens

CHICAGO – Despite the traditional fabric of ad targeting being torn up, the key relationship between publisher and consumer can be restored by a holy trinity of new approaches. That is according to an ad-tech exec who sees the diminution of third-party cookies and mobile ad identifiers not as a negative but as a turning […]


How Retailers Can Benefit From Sharing Data: LiveRamp’s Stratton

SAN FRANCISCO – They may have come to regard their own customer and prospect data as closely-guarded information. But retails have plenty to gain from sharing their customer data with other organizations. New software allowing that to happen in a way that respects both user privacy and client confidentiality now promises to unlock those benefits. […]