Comcast-owned video destination Fancast.com lured 11.3 million unique visitors in October, nearly double its 6.5 million count in September, according to comScore.
I spoke with Comcast senior VP Karen Gilford about Fancast at the newTeeVee Live event in San Francisco earlier this month.
She attributes the jump to marketing. Fancast ran a fall TV campaign during network shows like CBS's "NCIS" and Fox's "Glee" to drive TV fans to the site.
Still, Fancast has a ways to go. Its biggest competitor is Hulu, which regularly attracts upwards of 30 million to 40 million unique viewers each month.
"We are focused on all of TV consumption, not just online video, so we give them lots of tools to make the most of their viewing," she said. That includes TV news and TV listings integrated into the site.
Also, Fancast plans to integrate the online site more tightly with Comcast cable. New features slated for 2010 include the ability to set up cable DVR recordings from Fancast so when you're away from home you can still program your DVR.
Daisy Whitney, Senior Producer