One of the most high-profile campaigns in this election cycle pits the incumbent Joseph Lieberman against the blogger-backed challenger, antiwar unknown Ned Lamont. According to political consultant Joe Trippi, Lamont’s quick rise in visibility and fundraising is emblematic of how new media tools like blogs and viral video are impacting political campaigns and movements.

Here Trippi explains how candidates who have harnessed the tools of the Internet are using the visibility to wage election battles at the state level. He cites the John Tester campaign in the Montana primary as another example of people using technology, including blogs and podcasts, to effectively advance their campaigns.

Joe also talks about the ways that social networking sites like YouTube and MySpace are becoming powerful forums for political movements.

Google Alert!

How cool is this, now you can be an insider Herb Allen’s Sun Valley media retreat and listen to the thirty minute briefing by Google CEO Eric Schmidt, thanks to our pals at Reuters, Ken Li, and his cohort Eric Auchard.

The two veteran media and tech reporters have just launched a Reuters blog called Media File. Good luck guys and thanks for making this tape available to everyone! About the Schmidt tape, Ken says “Listen in to his answers on click fraud, acquisitions, video, Gmail, electric power, leadership, stock options, bad press, and other rumors and realities of running the world’s most talked about Internet company.” Thanks Ken, we will!

— Andy Plesser

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