Contextual Ads Help to Prepare for Cookieless Web: Ford’s Marla Skiko

Marketers increasingly have to balance the goal of reaching the right consumers in their advertising campaigns with their efforts to comply with privacy laws. Those regulations give people more control over how their personal information is used for marketing purposes. Amid these concerns about privacy, tracking cookies and device identifiers become less reliable for ad […]


Ad Creative & Media Context Work Together to Drive Results: Century 21’s Enrique Carlos

Marketers want their advertising campaigns to reach consumers when they’re in the best frame of mind to receive messages about a brand or offer. The media context for an ad always has been important, but was overshadowed as advertisers relied on other data signals from tracking cookies and device identifiers to improve their digital ad […]


First-Party Data, Media Context & Ad Creative Have Key Roles in Cookie-Less Future: Molson Coors’s Brad Feinberg

Gathering data directly from consumers has become a bigger priority for marketers as they not only comply with stricter privacy laws, but also find ways to harness first-party information. Google’s plan to stop supporting tracking cookies in its popular Chrome browser and Apple’s steps to curb the sharing of device identifiers are pushing marketers to […]


Viewer Attention Metrics & Contextual Ads Drive Results for Brands: Publicis’s Jason Tonelli

Consumers worldwide are exposed to countless advertisements, making the measurement of which messages from brands capture people’s attention more important to marketers. These metrics can help advertisers to improve the efficacy of their campaigns. “There’s a lot of attention on attention at the moment,” Jason Tonelli, chief product officer at advertising agency Publicis Groupe ANZ, […]


Marketers Must ‘Think Human’ to Engage Consumers: Pearle Vision CMO Doug Zarkin

Mass marketers with millions of customers must avoid seeing consumers as abstract data points whose behaviors are quantified in web visits, ad impressions and social media “likes.” Instead, marketers need to take a more “human” approach to reaching their target audiences as tracking cookies disappear from the internet. “There has been I think in the […]


Consumer Mindset Is Key to Effective Contextual Ads: MAGNA’s David Tucker

Marketers face challenges in reaching consumers who may be spending more time with ad-free video services or dividing their attention among multiple viewing devices. Brand safety and privacy issues add to these hurdles, pushing brands to consider how their ads appears in the context of surrounding content. “When I think about contextual, it’s all about […]


Contextual Ads, Attention Metrics Are Remaking Digital Media: Havas’s Jonathan Waite

Advertisers are grappling with significant changes in the way they reach target audiences through online media as tracking cookies disappear, privacy regulation becomes more pervasive and digital “walled gardens” proliferate. These challenges have contributed to renewed interest in contextual advertising that targets audiences based on the content they’re most likely to consume. “There’s a realization […]


GumGum’s Phil Schraeder on Contextual and Creative: The Answer to Attention Gap

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked renewed debate about advertising placement in news. Applebee’s recently apologized after its light-hearted commercial interrupted and overlaid CNN’s coverage of the conflict, while other brands are now using software to swerve such inventory. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Phil Schraeder, CEO, GumGum, says contextual ad targeting tech offers […]