TV’s Fragmentation Lets Brands Reach Audiences Better: DIRECTV Advertising’s Cordes

CANNES — The proliferation of connected TV services is giving viewers more choice – and advertisers more challenges. But, ultimately, the new opportunities to reach viewers is a win for brands, according to one TV exec. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Brian Cordes, Head of Client Partnerships & National Offices, DIRECTV Advertising, says the new […]


Addressable TV Innovation Will Start in Europe, Invidi’s CEO Dave Downey

MIAMI — In the future, advertisers could reach individual households with customized, targeted TV ads. In fact, that future is already happening. It’s called “addressable TV”, and recent estimates of the number of addressable US TV households count about 45m properties. So what’s next in the addressable journey? Beet.TV convened a panel of leading exponents to offer […]


AT&T AdWorks’ Cordes On The Convergence Of Direct Mail, Addressable TV

MIAMI – AT&T AdWorks is seeing marketers in certain industry verticals redirect money from direct mail to addressable television advertising, along with using addressable TV for increased frequency against certain consumer targets. This synopsis by Brian Cordes, Director of Client Relations for AT&T AdWorks, was shared at the annual Beet Retreat this week. In an […]