The Four Pillars Of A Clean Ad Supply Framework: 4As’ Karandikar

In 2021, digital ad supply isn’t enough. Today, ad buyers want to know the provenance, the pathway and the performance of that inventory. If those are the three Ps of the practice known as supply path optimization (SPO), then here is another framework. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Ashwini Karandikar, EVP, Media, Technology, Data […]


Transparency In The Age Of Complexity: Execs from ANA, 4A’s, IBM Watson Advertising, GroupM and MediaMath

Does it ever feel like your new digital super powers actually make your life more complicated? A growing number of marketers are coming to that conclusion. In’s Responsible Media Global Forum with GroupM and the 4As, plus with IBM Watson Advertising, MediaMath, Nielsen and Pubmatic, a series of guest speakers wrestled with balancing the […]